The Syllabus entails a short introductory note about the lecture’s objectives and it summarizes lectures’ content and documents’ references. Most of the readings can be dowloaded in the following posts.
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Case study
Introduction: What is a brand and what is branding?
This lecture is an introduction to the course and the principles of branding and brand management. It intents is to give a definition of the key terms related to brand and branding (marleting mix, brand, branding, storytelling,etc.) and to show the interest and the extent of the unit.
Related documents:
Storytelling in branding management
Storytelling has become a strategic priority for direct and indirect brand marketing initiatives. This lecture focuses on the art of writing brand stories, showing that, from old times to contemporary marketing techniques, not so much has changed. The lecture will also focus on storytelling and transmedia, to understand its implication in marketing strategies.
Related documents:
Ethics and branding
The use of brand-based marketing campaigns has come under intense scrutiny over the past 10 years for its power to facilitate deception and emotional manipulation. This lecture intents to explain why and how anti-brand activism developed and its impact on corporate branding, in particular the expand of ethical products.
Related documents:
The internationalization of brands
The internationalization of a brand is a key step for a company willing to export its products abroad.This lecture describes adaptive marketing, the encounter between global brand and local cultures a well as the consequences of this internationalization for local markets (glocalization)
Related documents:
Brand equity
Brand equity refers to brand strength and brand value. A basic premise of brand equity is that the power of a brand lies in the minds of consumers and what they have experienced and learned about the brand over time. Brand equity can be thought of as the “added value” endowed to a product in the thoughts, words, and actions of consumers. Understanding the sources and outcomes of brand equity provides a common denominator for interpreting marketing strategies and assessing the value of a brand. This lecture describes how brand equity is valued and the connection between brand strength and brand value to keep a strong relationship between brands and customers on the long term.
Related documents:
Brand architecture
Brand architecture is an organizing structure that specifies brand roles and the nature of relationships between brands. Brand managers now face market fragmentation, channel dynamics, global realities, and business environments that have drastically changed their task. In addition, there is pressure to leverage brand assets because of the prohibitive cost of creating new brands. This set of challenges has created a new discipline called “brand architecture.” It explores the needs for a company to be centralized or decentralized (in terms of its product range, sales, and marketing); and the extent to which the firm’s market offerings are standardized versus customized.
Related documents:
Building a corporate social responsibility image
The concept of corporate social responsability (CSR) has become a key strategic activity for many companies today. It is based on the concepts of social auditing, tranparency and corporate accountability. This lectures analyze the impact of CSR for companies and in its perception by consumers.
Related documents:
Social media branding
Consumer behaviors have evolved with the venue of social networks, forums, social media and online videogames. Social media branding is now part of many branding strategies, modifying the relationship between brands and consumers, shortening the distance between them and changing their relationship. This article explores how companies integrate social media in their branding strategy and its consequences for their relationship with customers. Moreover, it focuses on techniques to optimize the visibility of brands on internet.
Related documents:
Graphic design in branding
This lecture introduces the basics of graphic design: its evolution, its design process and legal issues regarding its protection. It also presents the basics of web design (Skeuomorphic Web Design and Flat Design) and logo design.
Related documents:
Tools for marketing and branding
This chapter focuses on the main tool for marketing and branding: marketing mix, BCG charts, SWOT analysis, benchmarking, market researcn and the creation of a branding strategy.
Related documents:
The importance of consumer perception and behavior in branding
Understanding consumer perception is crucial to determine a branding strategy. The lecture will focus on Social, Cultural, Personal and Psychological factors influencing consumer perception, as well as consumer behavior during purchase (rational choice and emotional factor) and memorization.
Related documents:
Case study: Nokia in India
The Nokia case is relevant to understand the marketing mix and branding strategy the company used to become and stay the leader in a large market as India.A short presentation should be given by one or several students. The lecture will be an interaction between students, mediated by the lecturer.
Related documents:
Case study: Coca-Cola
The Coca Cola case is important to undertand how a woldwide company succeeded to boost its sales through the use of corporate social responsability, brand beliefs and brand behavior.
Related documents:
Download file | Document name |
![]() | Coca-Cola_Contagious magazine |
![]() | Coca-Cola in Vietnam |
![]() | Coca-Cola_Brand belief and behavior |
Case study: L’Oreal
The L’Oreal case study is useful to undertand the portfolio brand strategy, the interest of multicultarism as a managing style and adaptive marketing.
Related documents:
Introduction to International Political Relations
This lecture introduces students to a general framework for understanding international politics, that is to say the study of human organization at its highest and most complex level. The main purpose of this lecture is to introduce students to the notion of war and to show its evolution, to familiarize students with the process of theorization and with key notions regarding international relations (state, nation, power, war, civil war, International Political Relations). Furthermore, the lecture will give a general introduction to the history of international relations
Download File Document name
Summary of Charles Tilly theory on war occurence
Sun Tzu_ The art of War
Joseph Nye_Soft Power
Realism, Neo-Liberalism, Constructivism and Post-Marxism
This lecture describes the main school of thoughts to explain how world politics work and which tenets shape its most visible outcomes, such as war, international crises, and revolutions.
At the end of the 5 hours lecture, students should be able to understand the interpretative framework of international relations and to formulate different interpretation to current events.
- Presentation of Realism theories: Classical Realism (T. Hobbes, E. H. Carr), Structural realism (K. Waltz), Offensive and Defensive Realism (Mearsheimer), Joseph Grieco (Theory of alliances)
- Description of Liberalism: The Kantian perspective, Democratic Peace (W. Wilson), Institutional theory (Keohane, Ikenberry)
- The constructivist approach of international relations: The social construction of power (Alexander Wendt), critical theory
- The English School: Hedley Bull and Martin Wight
- Post Marxism: the school of Frankfurt (Jurgen Habermas)
the Ennglish school
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Stanley Hoffman, Hedley Bull and His Contribution to International Relations, 1986
The international political thought of Martin Wight
Résumé du cours_Ecole Anglaise
The Role and Evolution of Diplomacy
The conduct of diplomacy has changed significantly over the past sixty years. Prior to World War II, diplomacy was essentially a government-to-government relationship. Since the war, it has broadened to include as it is the diplomacy of the global economic system, cultural centers, international organizations, civil society organizations, etc. This lecture will try to explain the evolution of diplomacy, from the Westfalia treaty (1648) to contemporary diplomacy, identifying its key developments.
Presentation of Intergovernmental Institutions
Intergovernmental Institutions are organizations composed primarily of sovereign states and established by treaty which provides to these institutions an international legal personality. This lecture aims at presenting the role of those intergovernmental institutions, in particular in the security sector, and to present the most important of them, that is to say the United Nations, the OSCE, the European Union, NATO, the African Union, the ASEAN, the Arab League, NAFTA.
Related documents:
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David M. Law, Intergovernmental Organizations and Their Role in Security Sector Reform
The Most Important International Treaties
The lecture intends to give insights on the process to achieve binding treaties, as well as the goals and impacts of the most important treaties framing international relations.
- Treaties making process
- The law of war
- Human Rights law
Related documents:
The Role of NGOs: Track 2 Diplomacy
Track II diplomacy generally involves informal interaction with influential unofficial actors from civil society, business or religious communities, and local leaders. It generally seeks to supplement Track I diplomacy by working with middle and lower levels of society and often involves non-traditional methods, such as facilitating dialogue mechanisms and meetings that include participants from both government and non-government institutions. This lecture gives insights on the role of Non-Governmental Organizations and Institutional Organization as well as the limits of their influence to influencing and framing international issues.
Related documents:
World Geopolitics
Geopolitics traditionally studies the links between political power and geographic space, and examines strategic prescriptions based on the relative importance of land power and sea power in world history. This lecture will try to give a broad picture on who has got power in the world today and why, from a global to a regional perspective, trying to show how this notion of power has evolved with the evolution of technology and perceptions.
Related documents:
2 Major International Issues: terrorism and natural resources
The lecture will first try to define terrorism (and explain this phenomenon) as an international threat (and to explain why states didn’t succeed to find a common definition for it) before to clarify its roots in local grievances. Secondly, the lecturer will try to map the key natural resources in the world and their impact on international relations. Finally, the lecturer will analyze the correlation between the existence of natural resources and weak institutions in a country.
Related documents:
Understanding International Relations Negotiation
Understanding international negotiation is fundamental to appreciate the capacity of decision makers to ratify international treaties or to defend their national interest abroad. However, the complexity of international negotiations limits rationality of behaviors and the amount of information available for actors. Without trying to give a clear cut “formula” for successful negotiations (as there is not), the lecture aims at giving a broad picture of factors which may positively influence the outcome of a negotiation. In particular, this lecture focuses on Putnam and the two level game analysis, the game theory and the negotiation theory.
Related documents:
Media and War
This lecture emphasized the role of the media in war coverage and in determining policies and outcomes of significant events (known as the CNN effect). In particular, it will emphasize the role of online media and new “propaganda” (or storytelling) to influence the perception on conflicts. Furthermore, the lecture questions the neutrality and objectivity of journalists, presenting the propaganda model and its opponents to explain current media behavior.
New wars?
Since the middle of the 1990s, numerous analysts have argued that qualitative changes have occurred in the nature of violent conflict and that it is now possible to think in terms of ‘new wars’ that are distinct in significant ways from earlier forms of conflict. This new pattern focuses on ethnic competition as a source of conflict and distinguishing “new” civil wars as criminal, rather than political phenomena. The lecture’s intent is to explain the categorization of war and its consequences and to help students make their own opinion on this phenomenon. A brief focus will highlight the privatization of war and the use of private security companies.
Country Risk Analysis Methodology
This lecture gives insights on the process and difficulties to forecast crisis, presenting the main methodologies and indicators used by international institutions and private companies to determine country risks.
Related Documents:
Conflict Analysis: Israel/Palestine
The lecture aims at giving a general understanding of the peace process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the impact of international political relations on its current development.
- Historic development of the peace process
- The empricial situation
- An international law approach: strengths and weaknesses
- The regional dynamic: war in Syria, turmoils in Egypt, Lebanese threat and Jordan’s alliance
- The International recognition of the State of Palestine and its economic and political prospectives
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Country Report Intelligence Economist Unit_ Israel_September 2013
International Crisis Group Report_Israel_May 2013
UNGA Resolution 181 (1947)
Camp David Agreement
Conflict Analysis: Afghanistan
War in Afghanistan is a very complex and multidimensional issue. Current war started in 2001 and has known several phases before partial withdrawal from the coalition of countries which invaded the country. Analyzing war in Afghanistan is an excellent exercise to understand the securitization process to go at war, current terrorism issues and the difficulties to build a strong and stable state. This analysis will specifically focus on:
? Recent history of the country (from the soviet invasion until today)
? 09/11 attacks and the legitimacy to attack Afghanistan
? The protracted war and the failure to create stable institutions and to fight against terrorism
Download File Document Name
Intelligence Economist Unit Report_Afghanistan_3rd Quarter 2013
International Crisis Group Report_Afghanistan_June 2013
Conflict analysis: Syria
Following the Arab Spring, social protests have been repressed by the Syrian Government. Against all expectations, a bloody civil war started, opposing Sunni tribes against the Shia minority at power, dividing the country and generating a humanitarian crisis. The analysis of the Syrian conflict will enable students to better understand the internationalization of a conflict and the geopolitics of the region. A particular emphasis will be given to the refugee situation in Lebanon and its consequences.
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My PhD Dissertation
The Public Administration in Rwanda and Burundi in the age of international policies for good governance; an anthropological comparative approach
Thesis Director: Giorgio Blundo
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS – School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences)
Structural Adjustments implemented by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) within developing states have a normative structure based on Weberian principles of governance. They aim at the modification of public services management towards a state organizational functionning matching the occidental ideology of good governance. However, this state reform exerts a socio-cultural impact which affects existing solidarities ( accountability modes) and modify the relation between the State, the Administration and the Citizens (governance modes).
My aim is to analyze the transposition of international norms of good governance into the bureaucratic procedures in Rwanda and Burundi, studying the implementation of good governance principles throughout decentralization. The findings and recommandations of the thesis will be relevant to optimize the implementation process of structural adjustment plans on decentralization and increase knowledge on its socio-cultural consequences.
Research Areas:
- Political anthropology of the state
- Decentralization, governance and public service’s delivery
- Anthropology of transitional processes and state’ structural reforms
- Sociology of the organisation and behavioral norms, functionnalism
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Le Laboratoire de la Gouvernance